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Privacy and Terms

Last Updated

27 December 2023


Please read these terms and conditions carefully before using Our Website. We tried to make it simple and comfortable to read.

This Privacy Policy will help You to understand how We process and protect Your personal data when You use Our Website, or when You otherwise interact with Us. This Privacy Policy describes SPLENDI's data practices regarding the collection, use, disclosure of the information as well as the choices available to You regarding SPLENDI's use of information that can be used to identify the User.
If You do not agree to all of the terms and conditions of this Privacy Policy, You should cease any and all access or use of Our Website. If You use the Website on behalf of an entity (such as your employer), You represent and We assume, that You are an authorised person of such individual or entity to accept this Privacy Policy on such individual’s or entity’s behalf.
The following definitions shall have the same meaning regardless of whether they appear in singular or in plural.

For convenience, We use the following definitions in this Privacy Policy:

SPLENDI - refers to “SPLENDI”, and its affiliates, parents, and subsidiaries registration number 4, registered under the address: 65011, Odesa, Ryshelievska St, building 33, incorporated under the laws of Ukraine (hereinafter – “Company”, “SPLENDI”, “Website”, “SPLENDI Website”, “We” or “Our”);

Site / Website – the website, means all its content and links;

Services - the services, SPLENDI provides, including the Website, and website (application) development and design (UX/UI) services.

User, You, Data Subject – the individual using this Website who, unless otherwise specified, coincides with the Data Subject.

Personal Data - data that can identify a particular person.

Data Controller, Owner - Company, SPLENDI, which determines the purposes and means of the processing of personal data. Contact email: em.notorp%40hcet.idnelps .

Data Processor - means a natural or legal person, which processes personal data on behalf of the Controller, specified in this Privacy Policy.

Usage Data - Automatically-collected information – information collected automatically through this Website (or third-party services employed in this Website).

1. What Data We Process And Why1.1. Personal Information You Provide to Us

When You want to contact Us through the Website You provide Us the following information:● Your name;● Your e-mail address.
You can specify a link to Your company’s website, as well as attach a file with information about You or Your company’s website and description of required Services. In such cases You provide Us the following information:● the company You work at;● where is Your company located;● Your job title;● information from the files which You upload to the Website. 
We may also collect additional information, which may be referred to Personal Information, as otherwise described at the point of collection or pursuant to Your consent or when You contact Us through Your personal pages or Your's company pages using links on Our Behance, Facebook, Instagram.

1.2. Why We Have to Collect Your Personal Data

1. We want to provide You Our Services with the highest level of client support, and if You leave a contact request or approach Us by email, We will use the Personal data You have provided to contact You regarding Your request. In this case, We process Your personal data based on Our legitimate interest to build client relations with Your company;2. For security and fraud prevention and to ensure that Our Website is safe, secure and used in line with Our Terms of use;3. We may add Your Personal information, received from You through Our Website or by email, together with some publicly available information about You and Your company to Our CRM system (Pipedrive) for marketing analytics. We do that based on Our legitimate interest to know 4. Our client’s profile and conduct some market analytics as well.Sometimes for statistical purposes, such as analysing the performance of Our Website and to understand how the visitors use it;5. To update, maintain, protect, fix the bugs and errors as well as to come up with new features, provide security, analyze of Our Website.

1.3. Information We Collect Automatically (Usage Data)

Apart from Personal Data, We collect some information about You automatically, in an aggregated way. We collect:● Your IP address,● operating system data,● domain name,● type of device(s) used to access the Website,● web browser(s) used to access the Website,● geolocation information,● time when You open and close the Website,● the errors, which may occur during Your use the Website.

1.4. Why We Have to Collect Your Usage Data

We collect and store Usage Data for analytical, statistical, support, marketing and customer research purposes. SPLENDI uses this Usage Data to monitor and analyze traffic, it also can be used to keep track of User behavior and usage trends. Some of this Usage Data will be processed automatically when using Our Website. 
We may use this Usage Data to, among other things, help diagnose problems with Our Website, analyze trends, resolve bugs and gather information for aggregate use. We do collect it every time, when You use the Website through cookies, analytics services, such as Google Analytics and other tracking technology.

1.5. When We Collect Personal Data and Usage Data

We collect Your Personal Data and Usage Data when You:● use of the Website; ● when You provide Your Personal Data to Us via email;● when You voluntarily provide information in free-form text boxes through the Website; ● Users can communicate with Us by using the specified email address of Our customer support team for requests of the Services. In order to respond to Your request, We will process Your contact data as well as the contents of Your request;● when You use the “Contact Us” function on the Website.
If You choose not to provide Us with any Personal Data the features of the Website that require Your Personal Information will not be accessible to You.

2. How we use cookies

Cookies are very small text documents or pieces of code, which often include a unique identifier. Any browser visiting Our Websites may receive Cookies from Us or Cookies from Our Third parties. We use Cookies principally because We want to make Our Website user-friendly, and We are interested in anonymous User behavior.

2.1. Why we use cookies?

Below We describe the ways in which We may use Cookies.

A. Analytics and research

Cookies can be used to establish anonymized statistics about the browsing experience on Our Website. We or Our Third parties use cookies to learn whether You have interacted with Us or Our partners’ websites, content or emails and provide analytics based on those interactions.

B. To protect Our legal rights and prevent misuse

We use Cookies to make Your interactions with Our Website faster, more secure, and to help Us detect malicious activity and violations.

C. To provide You the relevant advertisingSimilarly, the Third parties may use Cookies to provide Us with information about how You interact with ads.

Text element2.2. What types of cookies do we use?

In order to provide You information on types of Cookie that We use We have prepared this table. In the table below You can find the different types of Cookies, providers, types, purposes of use, expiry period and the country where the data is sent to.
This Privacy Policy will help You to understand how We process and protect Your personal data when You use Our Website, or when You otherwise interact with Us. This Privacy Policy describes SPLENDI's data practices regarding the collection, use, disclosure of the information as well as the choices available to You regarding SPLENDI's use of information that can be used to identify the User.
If You do not agree to all of the terms and conditions of this Privacy Policy, You should cease any and all access or use of Our Website. If You use the Website on behalf of an entity (such as your employer), You represent and We assume, that You are an authorised person of such individual or entity to accept this Privacy Policy on such individual’s or entity’s behalf.
The following definitions shall have the same meaning regardless of whether they appear in singular or in plural.

Statistics Cookies - also known as “performance Cookies”, these Cookies collect information about how You use the Website, which pages You visited and which links You clicked on. None of this information can be used to identify you. It is all aggregated and, therefore, anonymized. Their sole purpose is to improve Website functions. This includes Cookies from third-party analytics services as long as the Cookies are for the exclusive use of the owner of the Website visited.

Marketing Cookies – these Cookies track your online activity to help advertisers deliver more relevant advertising or to limit how many times You see an ad. These Cookies can share that information with other organizations or advertisers. These are persistent Cookies and almost always of third-party provenance.

2.3. How to manage cookies?

You can manage / delete Cookies as You wish – for details, see .
You can delete all Cookies that are already on Your device by clearing the browsing history of Your browser. This will remove all Cookies from all websites You have visited.

You can set Your browser to prevent any Cookies being placed on Your device, but You may then have to manually adjust some preferences every time You visit the Website.

3. Methods of Processing the Information

SPLENDI takes appropriate security measures to prevent unauthorized access, disclosure, modification, or unauthorized destruction of the Personal Data. The Data processing is carried out using computers and / or IT enabled tools, following organizational procedures and modes strictly related to the purposes indicated.

4. Sharing Data with Third Parties

We treat Your Personal Data with care and confidentially and will only pass it on to third parties to the extent described in the Privacy Policy and not beyond. We do not share, sell, rent, or trade Personal Data with third parties for any promotional purposes. Where Our affiliates, resellers, or service providers process Personal Data, they will do so solely on Our instructions and have undertaken to comply with strict contractual requirements for the security of Your Personal Data.
We may share Your Personal Data in the following cases:
1. Disclosure for Law Enforcement. Under certain circumstances, SPLENDI may be required to disclose your Personal Data if required to do so by law or in response to valid requests by public authorities (e.g. a court or a government agency).2. Legal Requirements. The Company may disclose Your Personal Data in the good faith belief that such action is necessary to:● to comply with a legal obligation;● to protect and defend the rights or property of SPLENDI;● to prevent or investigate possible wrongdoing in connection with the Website;● to protect the personal safety of users of the Website;● to protect against legal liability.

5. Links to Other Websites

Our Website may contain links to third-party web sites or services that are not owned or controlled by the Us.SPLENDI has no control over, and assumes no responsibility for, the content, privacy policies, or practices of any third party web sites or services. You further acknowledge and agree that SPLENDI shall not be responsible or liable, directly or indirectly, for any damage or loss caused or alleged to be caused by or in connection with the use of or reliance on any such content, goods or services available on or through any such web sites or services. We strongly advise You to read the terms and conditions and privacy policies of any third-party web sites or services that You visit.

6. Storage and Security of Information

We do Our best in order to protect Your Personal Information endeavor to follow generally accepted industry standards. Although We make good faith efforts to store Personal Data in a secure operating environment that is not open to the public, We do not and cannot guarantee the security of Your Personal Information. If at any time during or after Your Use of the Website We believe that the security of Your Personal Information may have been compromised, We may seek to notify You about that as soon as possible.

7. Children’s Privacy

Our Website does not cater for minors. We strongly advise that it is developed for individuals who are 18 years and above, otherwise, We request a parental / guardian express consent for User to continue using Our Website or by writing to Us via Our e-mails. If you become aware that a child has provided us with personal information without parental consent, please contact Us. If we become aware that a child has provided us with personal information without parental consent, we will remove such information. If Your country of residence has other minimum age requirements for using the Website, please follow Your country’s laws.

8. How Long Do We Store The Data

We retain Personal Information about You for as long as it is necessary to provide You Services and other information. In average this period does not exceed 3 (three) years. In some cases We retain Personal Information for a longer period, if doing so is necessary to comply with Our legal obligations, resolve disputes or collect fees owed, prevent fraud, enforce the Agreement, or as otherwise permitted or required by applicable law, rule or regulation. We can also store information for lesser period in case of dissolution of the Services or other reasons of legal nature.
Don’t forget that You may always command Us to delete / change / request all the information We have about You. We will respond to Your request as soon as possible, but sometimes it can take upto 30 days.

9. The Rights of Users

Users may exercise certain rights regarding their Personal Data processed by the Data Controller.In particular, Users have the right to do the following:
● The right to be informed. You have the right to know what is going on with Your Data.● The right of the access. You have the right to request Us to provide You with information that We have about You.● The right to rectificate. You have the right to command Us to correct Your personal data, if the information We store is for some reason inaccurate or outdated.● The right of erasure. You have the right to request Us to delete all Your Data.● The right to restrict processing. You have the right to ask Us to stop processing Your Data if it is unclear whether We must delete Your Data.● The right for Data portability. You have the right to ask Us to transfer Your Data that We are processing based on Your consent to another controller. ● The right to object. You have the right to object to Our processing of Your Data.● The right to withdraw consent. You also have the right to withdraw Your consent at any time where We relied on Your consent to process Your Data.
To exercise such rights, please contact Us at .tra.anvovab%40olleh Requests to exercise these rights should be generally handled in one month.

10. Changes to this Privacy Policy

SPLENDI reserves the right in its sole discretion, modify or update this Privacy Policy from time to time, and so You should review this page periodically. When We change the policy in a material manner, We will update the “last modified” date at the bottom of this page.

11. What Happens in the Event of a Change of Control

We may buy or sell / divest / transfer the Company (including any shares in the Company), or any combination of its products, services, assets and/or businesses. Your information such as email addresses, Your content, and other User information related to the Platform will likely be among the items transferred in these types of transactions. We may also transfer or assign such information in the course of corporate divestitures, mergers, acquisitions, bankruptcies, dissolutions or similar transactions or proceedings. We may also sell, assign or otherwise transfer such information in the course of corporate divestitures, mergers, acquisitions, bankruptcies, dissolutions, reorganizations, liquidations, similar transactions or proceedings involving all or a portion of the Company. We will do Our best to guarantee the same level of security as We provide by Ourselves.

12. Compromise of Information

In the event that any information under Our control is compromised as a result of a breach of security, We will take reasonable steps to investigate the situation and where appropriate, notify those individuals whose information may have been compromised and take other steps, in accordance with any applicable laws and regulations in 72 hours.

13. Governing Law

These Privacy Policy is governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Ukraine. All disputes arising out of or in connection with this Privacy Policy, shall be finally settled by arbitration according to the Rules of Arbitration of the Commercial Arbitration Center of the Ukraine Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Commercial Arbitration Center), by one or more arbitrator(s) appointed in accordance with the Arbitration rules. The language of arbitration shall be English. The place of arbitration shall be Odesa.

14. Contact Us

If You have any comments, concerns or questions about this Privacy Policy, please contact us at em.notorp%40hcet.idnelps or at: 65011, Odesa, Ryshelievska St, building 33.